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Discover our partnerships

Logo BNP PARIBAS BNP Paribas network  :
With nationwide coverage in France via a 750-strong sales team, the BNP PARIBASnetwork is BNP Paribas Factor’s leading business provider, enabling us to offer our clients co-ordinated customer service. Knowing our clients enables us to fully tailor our solutions to their needs in a context of total synergy. Go to l’Espace Entreprises. Visiter l’Espace Professionnels

logo cardifCardif :
Cardif is the life assurance arm of BNP Paribas Assurance, itself a subsidiary of the BNP Paribas group. Cardif designs and markets life insurance, savings and personal insurance products and services in 35 countries. BNP Paribas Factor sells and manages credit insurance products in partnership with Cardif. Go to

prescripteurOrder-givers :
In addition to the BNP Paribas network, BNP Paribas Factor has set up partnerships with order-givers such as consultants, which assess companies' needs through a global review of their receivables. If you are an order-giver and would like more information on alliances, please contact us.

Logo AltassuraAltassura :
BNP Paribas Factor presents the first credit insurance comparator for corporates. The site offers a comparative and comprehensive analysis of all the products sold by credit insurance companies. Credit insurance is designed to cover clients's receivables against buyer insolvency risk, both for domestic and export sales. Altassura also offers guides, lexicons and the information required to help you underwrite the best credit insurance policy. This offer is part of BNP Paribas Factor's partnership with brokers.

To enhance the effectiveness of its export services, BNP Paribas Factor is a member of FACTORS CHAIN INTERNATIONAL (FCI), the leading global factoring network. Factors Chain International groups over 247 factoring companies, operating independently or as subsidiaries of leading international banking groups, in over 66 countries. Foreign factoring companies are well acquainted with their countries’ industrial fabric, business practices and legislation. This ensures that the service offered by our specialised, professional unit is of the highest quality. Our correspondents are at hand in the countries where your debtors are based to monitor their activity and collect your receivables. Thanks to our network of information on your foreign clients and prospects and to our correspondents' experience in the markets of their respective countries, you can approach new export markets in confidence and security.


Logo IFG
International Factors Group :
BNP Paribas Factor becomes partner of INTERNATIONAL FACTORS GROUP (IFG).

Logo asfASF partnership :
BNP Paribas Factor is a member the French Association of Financial Companies. The ASF is a professional body that currently has 365 members. Its purpose is to represent and defend the interests of its members, in particular vis-à-vis credit authorities.