Export factoring: discover the first international finance simulator

Affacturage export : découvrez le premier simulateur de financement international
Discover the 1st export finance simulator, available on the BNP Paribas Factor website

Factoring has grown substantially over the past 10 years.
BNP Paribas Factor is a core factoring institution, given that we are Europe’s No. 1 provider of invoice finance. We finance nearly 6,000 companies, helping them grow their export business.

Discover the 1st export finance simulator available on our website.

This tool provides you, as a first-time exporter, with an immediate cost estimate, taking into account any credit insurance you may have

It is designed, in particular, for companies with revenue of less than 5 million euros from exports that are active in Europe and/or North America.

For export sales of 5 million euros or more and/or to countries outside Europe and North America, a short questionnaire is available to help our commercial teams research solutions tailored to your needs.

The teams will then contact you with a proposal tailored to your situation (destinations, payment methods, credit terms, modes of transport, Incoterms, etc.).

Overseas, BNP Paribas Factor financed trade receivables of nearly 20 billion euros last year, i.e. a market share of almost 20%.
The amount of export trade receivables bought rose by 18% in 2018, and by 25% in the first half of 2019.
BNP Paribas Factor finances all business segments in roughly a hundred countries.

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